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UNBOUND Masterclass

Start Here

This is an overview of the course, what to expect, and how to get the most of it. 

Suggestions for this course:

1. Take your time. Allow at least one hour per session to really dive into the content and self-study. Spacing this work out over a few days will help you to integrate the content and start to notice how your patterns are showing up in your life. 

2. Join the Facebook Group. Studies show that doing this work with others and having accountability will maximize your efforts 500%! Get involved in the conversation and practice being honest and vulnerable. (Remember: vulnerability is stepping 10% outside of your comfort zone - whatever that is for you!)

3. Do the work! Take time to dive into self-study with the worksheets provided. These are simply guided practices, but you are free to make them your own. Challenge yourself to really get curious about your limitations. The deeper you go into this work, the more freedom you will unlock.

In Module 5 there are audio practices that you can do any time during the course.

4. Get support. If you have any questions or technical issues, please email me at There is also a replay of the Q&A session on the Facebook group that might help answer any questions that come up. 
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